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For far too long

I have let the tsunamic waves of my mind

Shred my flesh

And destroy my soul.

I once beckoned for the oceans

To flood my eyes

And streams to flow

Down my face,

I craved the relentless burn

Of the acidic drops,

Dripping from my chin onto my chest,

Seeping through,

Scarring my soul..

All of this,

Simply a wish for release

Of the chaos residing within.

Until one day

I decided.

For far too long

I have let the tsunamic waves of my mind

Rule my existence.

I once used the effects of the tsunami

As a release of all the pains,

But I would no longer.

Instead, I would pour ink from my veins,

I would stain paper

Instead of souls,

I would scar the world

And not my own

That I might be seen,

That I might be heard,

And that I might help someone save herself

From the tsunamic waves

Of her own mind.

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